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Join us in prevent more lawsuits caused by ADA compliance.

Business helped

We have educated over 100 different business owners with our free resources about ADA Compliance.

The best free resources

With our articles, webinars, and ebooks, we help your organization to be alligned with ADA.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote a truly inclusive society by facilitating compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and preventing litigation. Through specialized guidance and free resources on our blog, we help organizations ensure that their spaces are safe and accessible, reinforcing their commitment to equity and social responsibility.

We prevent ...

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Scale of the initiative

Preventing lawsuits all around Northern California


Over 80% of the business owners don’t know about the ADA allignements in their cities

More than 500 lawsuits are active in Northern California area just this year

A estimate of 1.5 of million dolars are wasted on lawsuit for business owners

Our organization helps to prevent...

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Learn about how to prevent ADA lawsuits

How to Handle Serial ADA Lawsuit Filers

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was established to ensure equal access and opportunities for individuals with disabilities. While the law is essential, some individuals or legal entities exploit its provisions by filing numerous ADA lawsuits against...

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